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Holidays and Cash Funding

By: Jeanne Arieta
As festive and fun as it may be, Christmas is one of the most expensive holidays of the year. It is innate in us to appreciate those who became part of our lives the whole year round. It is also the season wherein families are expected to gather in one setting to celebrate together. More so, some of us may even spend thousands on our Christmas themes.

Given our long-lived Filipino Christmas spirits, we would always want to give it all on special occasions like this despite financial circumstances. While it is not advised to have debts on the remaining days of the year, you may not be able to avoid Christmas spending. Hence, we recommend that you should still practice Christmas budgeting. Here’s how:

1.Think of limiting your Christmas traditions
You and your family may have yearly traditions for Christmas such as out-of-town trips, giving back to the needy, year-end parties at home, and etc. But if you think that it is out of budget to do everything that you have planned, you may just opt to choose one or two among your year-end traditions. Remember, the essence of Christmas is to celebrate together. Do not delve into loaning if it’s something that can be done in the following years to come.

2.Serve home-cooked meals on your Noche Buena
A holiday need not to be expensive but rather special. Serving home-cooked meals on noche buena would not deduce the fact that you are able to celebrate that momentous moment with your loved ones. Always go for the practical choice and make the best out of it.

3.Personalize your gifts
Remember that the essence of gift giving is to tell someone how much loved and appreciated he/she in your life. If you feel you are running out of budget this Holiday, it’s better to personalize your gifts. It could come in a lot of forms such as handwritten letters, beaded accessories, crocheted products, and etc.

If you’re financially struggling but still want to make the best out of your holiday, we are here to help you by growing your own business. No more financial burdens! Start your journey with us now at